Thursday 19 June 2014

Follow my little Betsy

Just wanted to say a little about buying a dog from a breeder.  
When we went to see Betsy, she looked so adorable .  I did notice that she was sneezing a lot and her nose had white stuff coming out if it.  This should have rang alarm bells but I just fell in love with the little helpless pup.  When you buy a puppy they should have had their first injection at eight weeks.  Betsy was now 11 weeks and had no injections yet.  I asked the women why, she just said she had not had time as she worked a lot. I feel that this is a bad breeder.  On the way home we called at the pet store for supplies and a lovely lady called Miriam said she thought the pup was unwell.  Straight away we took her to the vets and they told us she had a respiratory infection and prescribed medication, hoping the pup would get well.  Unfortunately, she was unable to have her first injection.  I text the women who we had bought her from just to let her know that Betsy was unwell as there was another pup still in her care.  I received a text back saying I will call you tonight - never heard from her again on this matter. Fortunately Betsy recovered and went on to had her injections.  So just take care when buying a pup. 

As it got nearer to Betsy going out I had mixed feelings of excitement and apprehension.  The day arrived we put Betsy's pink harness and lead on and we were ready to go.  I had been putting her harness and lead on for a couple of weeks to make her feel more comfortable for when we actually went out.  Outside was a big new world to Betsy, at first she sat on the pavement just looking around.  I did not expect Betsy to want to walk straightaway but I was surprised - she just loved the walking! We have what they call the dog walk so lots of different breeds go there. A couple of dogs came over to sniff Betsy and she was ok but a bit unsure.  As time goes on and we go there regularly, Betsy gets more confident.  As a family we are all happy to take Betsy out and share all the responsibilities of having a dog. 

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